
DFC Machinery & Engineering

Welcome to DFC Machinery and Engineering website...
DFC Machinery & Engineering ; HVAC and Plastic Machinery is one of the  most fore-coming firms.  The firm has claimed it’s place on the market on behalf of aproximately 20 years of experience by walking up front confidently and painstakingly.  The firm is growing continuously in an utmost speed and so far has exported it’s products  to 6 continents and nearly 40 countries  due to the importance given to the quality control and innovation. As a result of the market analysis done by the firm new projects are conducted wisely periodically.
AS DFC MACİNERY & ENGİNEERİNG;  our products are taken through Ar-Ge workshops and later on qualified by the calculations and considerations of the engineers and finally brought to production. Based on the results obtained of the analysis report  we confidently claim  our machines to be used for  so many long years smoothly. Our customers may find us  always supportive and   ready with the spare parts and technical asistance.